Wednesday 2 January 2013



One of the biggest complaints invoked whenever I buy some new pencils is that I cannot trust the hardness grades inscribed by the manufacturers.Of course, you may have your own definition of the HB or No. 2 grade.So you may have experienced that it actually felt like B or H grade although the inscription says it's HB grade.Regardless of the fact that the graphite pencil was invented hundreds of years ago, the real criteria of hardness grades does not exist. Furthermore, frequently different brands of pencils produced by the same manufacturer have different hardness grades marked on the same lead.Personally, this makes me very annoyed, so I think there should be some kind of standard of graphite pencil hardness grades, but it seems it's almost impossible. Having said that, I decided to make my own criteria. That is, determining a brand of pencil as the standard, and comparing the hardness with that pencil when I obtain some new ones. I believe that this will help myself and you.The standard pencil MUST be able to be obtained easily all over the world, not be very expensive and come in wide range of various grades. And most of all, its hardness grade should not be very different from the industry norm.Then, the only appropriate one is,










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