Wednesday 2 January 2013

Parker Pens

Parker Pens

Making a better pen was what the Parker Pen Company's founder, George Safford Parker, set out to do when he couldn't find one that wrote well enough and didn't leak ink everywhere. Mr Parker believed that if he "made a better pen, people would buy it." And so he did, and they did.George Safford Parker did not start out a making pens. He was a teacher of telegraphy. To increase his teaching income, Parker started selling pens for the John Holland Pen Company. Actually, his telegraphy students were his main customers.When the pens he sold broke,Mr Parker felt obligated to repair them. He was soon overwhelmed with repair work, so he decided to invent his own type of fountain pen. Thus, Mr Parker's famous idea of "making a better pen" came true. So, the Parker Pen Company was born in 1888 in Janesville Wisconsin USA.In 1889,Mr Parker created his first fountain pen and in 1891 found an investor, an insurance broker Mr W. F. Palmer, for his new company. With an initial investment of $1,000, Palmer bought half of Mr Parker's shares in both his patents and the new business. Thus, the Parker Pen Company was officially ceated.

Parker Pens

Parker Pens

Parker Pens

Parker Pens

Parker Pens

Parker Pens

Parker Pens

Parker Pens

Parker Pens

1 comment:

  1. I need a 2nd last pen of 2nd Image. guide me how i can order this pen.
    Ravindra Pal singh
