Papermate Pens
WILL vary from store to store. I get my prices from either my ownledger or from the Publix curbside pricing on their website. It is bestto check your local ad when it starts. You can find it on the Publixwebsite bydo my best to accurately match up the coupons to the sales. It ispossible that an error could occur (gasp!). It is your responsibilityto take a look at your coupon to make sure that it matches by productand size.match-ups will list ALL known available coupons and the source of thatcoupon. Please realize that coupon values will vary by region and paperthat the insert was in. One insert might have a $.75/1 coupon thatweek and the same insert from a different paper might have a $1.00/2coupon. We do not know which values were from which papers. Thescenario posted is the BEST scenario based on the coupons listed. Ifyou don’t have the higher value, you will just adjust your OOP based onyour match-ups are based upon Florida BOGO sales. We do not doublecoupons in Florida. I will be including the double coupon OOP on futurematchups to accommodate those living in states that double coupons
Papermate Pens
Papermate Pens

Papermate Pens
Papermate Pens
Papermate Pens

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