Blacksmith Forge For Sale
The combination of aging paint and automobile fumes but a large amount
of fine lead into our environment and people started to study its
effects on humans, particularly children. Despite the sources of lead
it was clearly proven that lead slowed early development to the point of
retardation in some children. When scientistsdiscovered lead from
gasoline in what was thought to be the pristine environment of
Antarctica that was the straw that broke the Camels back. It was
everywhere! It was toxic and it could make our children retarded. . .So lead rose
in prominence as an environmental pollutant to remove from the
environment at all costs. Paint was the first target and over the years
lead was removed from paint for children's toys and furniture, to house
paint and eventually to almost all paint used in the Then lead had to be removed from gasoline. This was somewhat of a
problem because modern high compression automobile engines needed high
octane fuel to run properly
Blacksmith Forge For Sale
Blacksmith Forge For Sale
Blacksmith Forge For Sale
Blacksmith Forge For Sale
Blacksmith Forge For Sale
Blacksmith Forge For Sale

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