3 Men 1 Hammers
So somehow I missed this internet phenomenon a few years ago, until my
pal Ivan brought it up today. A video was leaked onto the web of the
Dnepropetrovsk Maniacs murdering one of their victims. I didn't even
know who these scumbags were either until today. These three Ukrainian
killers began with torturing and killing cats and dogs (when they
weren't drawing swastikas). This then escalated into a sickening rampage
in June and July of 2007 that claimed 21 victims. They were only
teenagers. And the details of the brutality of the murders are
absolutely horrendous. They filmed videos and took photos of their
deeds.They even took photos at the funerals of their victims, flipping
off the bodies. Such technologically centredman to death with a hammer and stabbing him with a screwdriver.
Apparently they're grinning and laughing their way through itI say
apparently because I haven't watched it and don't intend to.
3 Men 1 Hammers
3 Men 1 Hammers

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