Tsa Badge
The bill,which has 25 co-sponsors,would prohibit airport screeners
from using the title "officer"and would ban them from wearing a metal
badge resembling a police badge or a uniform resembling that of a
federal law enforcement officer unless they receive law enforcement
training.When the TSA was formed after the 2001 terrorist
attacks,screeners wore white shirts with embroidered patches.But in
2005,the TSA reclassified screeners as"transportation security
officers,"and in 2007 introduced new uniforms in an effort to
professionalize the workforce and boost morale.In 2008,metal badges
were added to the uniform.At the time,the association
representing federal law enforcement officers opposed the badges,saying
that they would mislead the public into believing the screeners had
traditional police powers.Transportation security officers are unarmed,do not have arrest powers and cannot use force,the association said.
Tsa Badge
Tsa Badge
Tsa Badge
Tsa Badge

Tsa Badge
Tsa Badge
Tsa Badge
Tsa Badge

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