But if you came up over that rise last week, you would have had your breath
taken away by the sight of hundreds of sailors in small boats spread all
over the beautiful Rockport bay. What a glorious sight.Come up over the rise by the upper parking lot at Granite Pier in Rockport
and you will see one of the most fabulous views of the ocean to which the
public still has free access.This was the the 2008 Junior Olympics event, pictured in last week's paper
(The Times, Wednesday, Aug. 13), hosted by Sandy Bay Yacht Club and bringing
together the best young sailors in all of eastern Massachusetts, vying for
top honors as best Opti, 420 or Laser sailor in the East.To give you a smidgen of background, kids sailing was kind of clunking along
in the slow lane until the early 1990s, when the Opti came along. Before
that were the dreaded Turnabouts - slow, heavy and
not kid-friendly - that were the entry level
vessel of choice. The older kids were in these awful craft called widgeons
and CJs, ungainly, clumsy and slow.But all that changed when the Optimist Pram hit the scene. Experts and older
sailors laughed at its flat prow and postage-stamp size, but the kids
flocked to the boat. So did the parents, who were delighted that kids showed
interest in anything, plus they could throw it upside down on the roof of
the family car.

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