Bryan Peterson Photography
The Byrd Theater is listed as one of our nations Grand Movie Palaces,
is a State and National Historic Landmark and to this day, the
appearance of this theater is mostly unaltered. The Byrd is still an
operating movie theater so on Fri., May 13th you can see “Bruce Lee
Fights Back From The Grave” for only $5. Now back to our presentation.On April 9th a few of our club members attended the lecture that
Bryan Peterson gave. It started at 9 a.m. and ended at 4 p.m. with an
hour break for lunch. I avidly watched his presentation, listening to
his every word as slide by slide was presented on the large screen in
front of us. Such colors, so vivid and sometimes wild. I asked myself,
“Just what kind of a camera do you need to catch the kind of life that
Mr. Peterson was showing?” Why wasn’t I seeing these colors? Were there
other photo enthusiasts who thought the same way ? But that was exactly
what his talk was all about. Learning to see creatively and
understanding exposure ! Angles, lines, thirds, light, or lack there of,
rainy days, fog, reflections (my favorite),imagination and learning to
see differently. I learned how to not center my subject and produce a
better photo. Do not put the horizon in the middle of your picture ! Na,
break the rules, Peterson said. Change things if you can. Zoom in on
the subject.
Bryan Peterson Photography
Bryan Peterson Photography
Bryan Peterson Photography
Bryan Peterson Photography
Bryan Peterson Photography
Bryan Peterson Photography

Bryan Peterson Photography

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